They are low rent and are commonly used by the low income Nigerians because of their affordability. Face-me-I-face-you has been rechristened “Face-me-i-slap you’ because of the kind of things that often happens there.
You cannot doubt the following facts about the type of people who are likely to meet or come across if you leave in a 'face-me-l-face-you,' type of a house.
1. That Nosy neighbor:
You are definitely going to meet that one...
person who pokes his/her nose into everyone’s business and makes it their responsibility to disburse information about everything and everyone in the compound.
2. The borrower.
These ones always have a reason to go and knock on their neighbor's door for things as basic as matches and salt.
3. The Pretentious neighbor:
These ones act like they see, hear or do no evil, but in reality they are the real perpetrator of evil.
4. That neighbor that knows everything.
In the ‘face me I face you’ set up, there is always that one person who is an expert on every subject and topic and would make it their duty to educate you at the slightest opportunity.
5. That quarrelsome neighbor.
There would always be that one neighbour who wakes everyone up with a quarrel. It is either they are quarreling with their spouse or with a co-tenant. They start and end their days with an argument.
Don't you agree with these?
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