Below are a list of common widely held but false beliefs {i.e. myths} that are attached to marriages in Nigeria:
1. A Good Marriage Begins by Finding Mr. or Ms. Right
There is the belief that having a good marriage comes with first finding and marrying Mr Right but in reality there is no such thing as Mr/Mrs Right because no one on earth is perfect.
2. The more educated a woman becomes, the lower are her chances of getting married
Women in this part of the world are...
often discouraged from aiming high because when they do, no man will have the courage to ask them out not to talk of marrying them. In a reality, men nowadays do not want to marry any woman that has nothing to bring to the table. Marriage these days has become a partnership.
3. Your Spouse is Your Best Friend
Because a lot of people say this, some people begin to force their spouse to become one but usually this shouldn’t be so. The truth is that your spouse should be your closest friend after all friendship should be the foundation of any relationship but forcing your spouse to be your best friend means trying to mold and mash him or her spouse into acting the way you think a best friend should.
4. Mother-In laws are bad
You often hear some ladies say they would never marry a man whose mother is still alive because of the many Nigerian mother-in laws are deemed to be wicked and the many horrible tales they have heard about some mothers in-law, however this doesn’t not apply to all, as not all are bad.
5. Your partner’s job is to make you happy
You can’t depend on someone else to make you happy, otherwise you’re going to end up alone and depressed. It is OK for you partner to do things o make you happy but you patterning your life’s happiness on what your partner does, would leave you very miserable. The real deal is for you to make yourself happy first before making someone else.
6. Your Marriage Completes You
Your spouse is not God or a magic genie with wish-granting abilities. Your spouse is a human, therefore a good relationship should not complete you; it should inspire and challenge you to work on being a better person. Putting unrealistic mythical expectations on your relationship, would end it in a tragedy.
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