Right from increasing your subject knowledge and improving your aptitude to instill values into you and making sure that you become a wonderful person when you finally graduate from this place, your school probably does a lot for you.
However, there are certain things that schools are not always able to teach you about life.
Check them out:
1. Choosing the Right Career
Now this is very important. Many people make a terrible mistake of choosing the path of their career only depending on how much it pays. They crush their own desires and ignore their strengths in the greed for money. This is where they go terribly...
wrong and end up in jobs that may pay well, but never manage to give them that mental satisfaction. Of course money is important, but along with that, it is also important that you identify yourself in your job. You should be able to use your strengths to the maximum extent possible.
2. How to learn all your life
Often people think that graduation marks the end of learning. But, this is where they go wrong. Graduation, in fact marks the beginning of the part where no one is going to guide you and tell you what you are supposed to be learning and what your are not supposed to be learning; and that you are now left to take your own decisions. However, the learning process never ends. The only time it will, is when you breathe your last breath.
3. Preparing for uncertainty
Life is never certain. You cannot expect things to go the way you expect them to. Life will always surprise you. So if you want to be one step ahead and be prepared, always be ready with a plan B for every important decision. By this you will never see a day, when you don’t know what to do.
4. High grades and flashy awards are not everything
Often professors, with an intention of motivating students to take their academics seriously, tend to portray that getting high grades and winning lot of awards is everything. No doubt that this is awe-inspiring to get top grades and win many awards. But, when you get out in the real world, nobody is really going to consider you as popular only on the basis of your grades and awards. The real deal is that you know that what it takes to win those grades and awards, and how you use this knowledge to excel in the rat race of real life.
5. Not Hesitating To Ask Questions
Can you imagine what this world would have been if nobody asked questions? Many people are hesitant about asking a question, so they will rather let it remain unanswered. This is where they go wrong. Always remember, there is no one in this world who has the answer to every question. So there is nothing stupid in asking a question. In fact, not asking a question when you want to, is stupid.
6. Dealing With Change
For years, in school you will be surrounded with almost the same type of people. These are the people whom you probably know since childhood and so it is not very difficult to understand them. However when you get out in the real world, there are all types of people out there-the good, the bad and the ugly! You have to learn how to deal with them and the pressures that come along.
7. Judging others
If you only knew how to judge people around you, life would have been so much easier. You wouldn’t have to worry about your heart breaking, about someone backstabbing you or about getting cheated. Hence, learning to judge people around is an important lesson to be learnt.
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